The beginning of the year is such a busy and fun time in Kindergarten. Our class is getting to know each other and learning the rules and routines at Bethlehem and in our classroom!
We are working to build our reading and writing stamina. We know that to be good readers and writers we have to practice! We are up to 9 minutes! We learned that we can read a book 3 ways.
1. Read the pictures.
2. Read and track the words.
3. Retell the story in our own words.
We have focused on 4 letters a week and have practiced identifying the letter and the sound it makes. We also have practiced how to write each letter.
We also worked with the poem- I Clap My Hands and the sight word 'I'. Check out how well we did!
We are working with shapes in August. We have learned about 2D (flat) and 3D (solid) shapes! 2D shapes include circle, square, triangle, rectangle, hexagon. 3D shapes include sphere, cube, cylinder, and cone.
Our favorite activity so far was sorting, naming, and eating 3D shapes! Thank you to the parents who sent in the items for this!!
We have also been learning about community helpers! We have had a police officer and firefighter visit! We loved hearing them tell us about their jobs and they even brought us goodies!