Friday, January 24, 2014

Catching up! New Year and Martin Luther King, Jr.

Happy New Year!! Our first day back we wrote about what we wanted to do this year!

One of our Kindergarten Social Studies standards is learning about national holidays. We learned a lot about Martin Luther King, Jr. We read several books about him and created an anchor chart to help remember what we learned. 

We did a directed drawing of MLK. They turned out so good! 😊

When I first started talking to my students about MLK and how unfair people were treated I did an activity to show them. I gave all the boys candy just because they were boys. I told the girls the couldn't have any just because they were girls. The girls did NOT like it! "That's not nice! That was rude! Girls need candy too! No fair!" were some of the comments I heard from the girls. (Meanwhile, the boys were laughing and eating candy.) At this point, we stopped and talked about how it made the girls feel. I linked that activity to how people were once treated based on the color of their skin. 

We looked at 2 eggs- a brown egg and a white egg. Students made observations about the outside of the eggs and then they predicted what they thought the inside would be like. After cracking them open, we talked about how even though they were different on the outside they were the same on the inside, just like us!

We learned that MLK had a dream and listened to some of his "I have a dream..." speech. We discussed what some of our dreams were and in writing, we wrote about our dreams. 


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