In Science, we kicked off our unit on plants by learning about seeds. We first brainstormed what we knew grew from seeds! As you can see our schema (what we already knew) was good!

We read some books about seeds and how they grow into plants.
We sprouted our own seeds. We used lima beans. (Our beans did not sprout well.)
After reading more books about plants and how they grow, we created a tree map about plants.
We also created a flow map to show how a plant grows.
After learning about how a plant grows we planted our own seeds- I wonder what kind of flowers we will have?!
We also learned about the different parts of flowers. We labeled a flower together.
Then completed a labeling of our own.
We also completed a craft with labeling the parts of the flower. We had to read the words to figure out where the label went after we put our flower together.
In writing, we learned about Baby Chicks and Bunny Rabbits. We read 2 informational books from We Give Books to learn about them. We completed a tree map on each one to help us organize our learning. We used the tree map to help us write informational pieces about Chicks and Bunnies. Students came up and sounded out the words to write it on the Smartboard. They also completed one of their own as we were doing it together on the board.
In math, we have worked a lot with subtraction. We read the book, Monster Musical Chairs. We played musical chairs like the monsters did in the story. As we played, we created subtraction problems and wrote them on dry erase boards.

We bowled and wrote subtraction problems based on the number of cups we knocked down.

We created a large number line 0-10 on the carpet. We first rolled a dice which told us where to stand and then rolled a second dice that told us how many to subtract. We moved along the number line accordingly.

We ate Cheerios to create subtraction problems. Students grabbed a handful of Cheerios and then ate some. They had to create their number sentence as they went and then write the difference (the answer).

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