Monday was our 50th day of school! We dressed with a 50s theme: pink, white, black, jeans, scarves, etc. We read Harold and the Purple Crayon because it was written in the 1950s. We discussed whether the book was fiction or non-fiction and why.
We practiced writing and counting to 50 by 1s.

We wrote decade numbers to 50 on a record. (We counted by 10s to 50 and wrote them down.)

We played "Race to 100" with a partner. We took turns rolling a die and counting the dots. Students colored in the correct amount of squares to match the number they rolled.

We talked about "then and now". We looked at pictures of what the life was like in the '50s.

Here is how we sorted!

For brain break today we danced to the Hand Jive and listened to some music from the '50s.

For snack time we made coke floats. We predicted what we thought would happen to the ice cream when we poured the coke in!

In writing, we brainstormed a list of things we would like to have 50 of. Students then wrote about what they would like to have! We focused on using finger spaces between words.

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