We began using St. Patrick's Day and leprechauns last week to learn our standards. We have been learning about How To writings. We wrote one together as a class about "How to Catch a Leprechaun". The students helped me sound out and write the words for each section. After we wrote, students went back to their seat to illustrate catching a leprechaun.

We discussed all of the reasons why we were so lucky and then wrote about 1 of them.

This morning, we had a visiting leprechaun- Lem. He left us the pieces to make leprechaun hats. He also scattered shamrocks around. He was tricky and turned over our chairs!

He left us notes throughout the day! We worked to sound out the words and read his notes. We also talked about his writing and what he needed to fix! :)
They LOVED showing off their leprechaun traps this morning during Morning Chit-Chat (Morning Meeting). They shared them, showed us how they worked, and chose a special spot for their traps.

Lem, the Leprechaun, brought us a fun math activity! We sorted our Lucky Charms cereal and graphed it. We used our vocabulary words- more than, less than, equal to. We compared different ones and looked at how many more of one we would need to equal another.

During lunch Lem came back! He knocked a lot of things around in our room looking for his gold! He found it and shared some with us!!

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